Saturday, October 3, 2009

美國再見 - Goodbye America

 Left:  I don't know WHAT to expect from Taiwan!  Hopefully no road closings due to eruptions though.  

It's 3:00 AM on the day before I fly out of the United States and I'm currently packing up a year's worth of everything I'm guessing I'll need in Taiwan (emphasis on guessing).  I don't think I've ever been as well prepared to face whatever awaits me on the other end of my 20 hour journey, and that's mostly thanks to my parents.  I've got documents and copies of documents, American medications not available overseas, new clothes to wear in an entirely new climate, and a few treats and books from my friends to entertain me during my flight.  

I'm really glad I got to see the people I did these past two weeks, and for those of you I didn't get a chance to see, know that I'll miss you just the same.  As soon as I get adequate internet access (and who knows how long that'll take), I'll try to make a second post about my first impressions and experiences.  In the mean time though, feel free to send me a message on the facebook, a tweet on twitter, or an e-mail so I'll have something to look forward to opening once I get established.  And of course, good luck to everyone on your years in school, work, or abroad until I get back home and can have a happy reunion (with lots of sweet souvenirs from Taiwan of course).  :)

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